00:00:04 an HOA can absolutely impose restrictions on your property without your consent one of the things that I often advise my clients on the initial phone call is that all Association have what’s known as covenants that run with the land okay these covenants were in place before usually the homeowner even purchased the unit they’re recorded into the public records and they contain rules and restrictions as it pertains to that particular Association so things like certain requests that would need to be made before you wanted to make any
00:00:40 sort of modification to your property in addition to that the maintenance that you need to pay and and what it’s used for what areas on your property you can and cannot alter so all of these covenants are recorded into the public records and the homeowners are understood to have what’s called constructive notice of those records meaning that when they purchased the unit they were given the Declaration and all the restrictions of the association and were on notice although they didn’t sign a contract in essence it is a
00:01:13 contract and they did consent to all the covenants by purchasing a unit within that Association
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