Goldenberry Farms, a prominent grower and exporter of tropical fruits, has filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court for damages and trademark infringement concerning its SUGAR MANGO brand of miniature mangos. Our Miami, FL business lawyer can tell you that the lawsuit claims that certain traders bypassed certified suppliers and...
Category: Business Law

Legal Insights On University Of Florida Refund Case
How To Avoid And Resolve Contract Disputes
Navigating Difficult Waters With A Competent Business Litigation Lawyer
Winning Strategies For Businesses Facing Litigation
What To Do In Personal Injury Accidents

Are Those Non-Disclosure Agreements Enforceable?
You do not want to make the mistake of assuming that you can ignore the terms of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) you signed. Assuming that the document complied with our state’s regulations about non-disclosure agreements when written and executed, a Florida court will likely find it enforceable.
Whether you...

Violations of Company Bylaws Can Lead to Business Litigation
Company bylaws are not merely pieces of paper that you stick into a file cabinet and ignore. When there are violations of company bylaws, your organization can end up getting sued. Let’s say that a member of the board of directors of your corporation violates the bylaws. The other members of the...

Common Mistakes Businesses Make with Non-Compete Agreements
You might have non-competition agreements, also called non-compete contracts, with your employees that are not worth the paper they are written on. Businesses routinely have employees sign these agreements, without questioning whether they will be enforceable or not.
It is pointless to have agreements that do not accomplish what...